
April 13th, 2009.

Went out seeking an optometrist, but ended up at the book store. (and eventually, value village.) Got a cool pin, fancy shoes, and two books that were made for me to read them.

I read half of the one on the right last night, its about a girl who is kind of mousey and awkward in middle school but then she gets to high school and she starts drinking with older kids and learns about punk rock. Then she gets all this confidence and starts hanging out with boys that are smartasses and she finds herself and its great. Then she graduates and goes to hampshire college but can't handle all the quiet hippies so she starts drinking with the mohawked-kids. Then I stopped reading because the book was freaking me out waaaay too much. Way too much. Isn't that creepy? I got chills just typing about it.


  1. Wow. There's more!? I would be scared to read on.

  2. ahahha, yeah. according to the back of the book she becomes a heroin addict, then goes to rehab for a year before becoming a writer for vice magazine. so i guess i got that to look forward to...

  3. i finished dear diary.
    scared me a lot.
    but you should definitely try to finish it.
